[Accessibleweb] PDF Flipbook alternatives

Hadi Rangin hadir at uw.edu
Mon May 8 22:16:58 PDT 2023

If you are interested in Flipbook accessibility, you are welcome to join the discussion (see below). You don't need any special invitation; feel free join the Zoom room.
Note that the time is Central time.

From: webmasters-request at lists.illinois.edu <webmasters-request at lists.illinois.edu> On Behalf Of McKelvey, Michael L
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 3:16 PM
To: WEBMASTERS Mailing List (webmasters at lists.illinois.edu) <webmasters at lists.illinois.edu>
Subject: [Webmasters] Monthly "Explore with Hadi" accessibility chat - Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hello webmasters,

It's almost time for our monthly Explore with Hadi accessibility discussion! We encourage you to join us for another fun-filled discussion this month.

One day hopefully we'll be back to in-person meetings, but for now we're still 100% virtual. So pour yourself a big mug of coffee, tea, hot cocoa, Italian soda, or whatever your favorite morning beverage may be, grab a delicious snack, and let's all join in from wherever we're working these days!

Date/Time: Tuesday, May 9th, 11am - noon CT

Topic: PDF Flipbook alternatives: Foleon
This is part 1 in a 3-part series highlighting PDF flipbook alternatives.

Vance Martin, Mark McCarthy, and Matt Macomber will join us to share their experience using Foleon<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.foleon.com/__;!!DZ3fjg!_5FopM-gyGymdXPga8eAVgXm82mNFy7IGdajSY3EoWvKpcdLsFasKQ5Kid8pOarza1rukuCXBcIHql6VhcZwILBxPYzdxQ$> to develop the 2022 System Annual Report<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uillinois.foleon.com/annualreport/2022/__;!!DZ3fjg!_5FopM-gyGymdXPga8eAVgXm82mNFy7IGdajSY3EoWvKpcdLsFasKQ5Kid8pOarza1rukuCXBcIHql6VhcZwILDf-7jUpA$>. They will discuss the pros and cons of using Foleon, plus their experience so far working with the vendor to address accessibility concerns.

Join us to see if this flipbook alternative might be a good candidate for creating digital magazine experiences for your unit!

We're always looking for websites and topics to discuss! Email us any time and we'll add your site/topic to the agenda for an upcoming meeting.

Online meeting:
We're online-only this month, so you can join us virtually via Zoom:

* https://illinois.zoom.us/j/86765225854?pwd=cUFIMmpXd3lMY2ZkcUpXaVhISi9kdz09<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/illinois.zoom.us/j/86765225854?pwd=cUFIMmpXd3lMY2ZkcUpXaVhISi9kdz09__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nhlO0rVGbQnB-nU-38CAMe7rY1mSuUwav1jw8Xca2TlGRHHYQyin77i_zj0xejDAajQsgPF-30i6ufqVMQ$>
* Password (if prompted): EWH
* Or by phone at (312) 626-6799 (Find a local dial-in number<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/illinois.zoom.us/u/kcwkINgj5u__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nhlO0rVGbQnB-nU-38CAMe7rY1mSuUwav1jw8Xca2TlGRHHYQyin77i_zj0xejDAajQsgPF-30izgrb-pA$>)
* Conference ID: 867 6522 5854
* Dial-in password: 086053

Hope to see you on Tuesday!


Michael McKelvey
Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(217) 244-7148
Recent endeavor: DarkSky Investigations<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/darksky.mste.illinois.edu/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nhlO0rVGbQnB-nU-38CAMe7rY1mSuUwav1jw8Xca2TlGRHHYQyin77i_zj0xejDAajQsgPF-30j8ahD_YQ$>

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