[Alpine-info] O365 XOAUTH2 via fetchmail

jason-alpine-info at shalott.net jason-alpine-info at shalott.net
Tue Apr 19 17:39:58 PDT 2022

>>> Has anyone gotten something like this working with fetchmail + XOAUTH2

>>> for O365?

>> This is somewhat off-topic.

> I thought initially the same but then i realized that Alpine users might

> look for answers to their questions about Alpine in an Alpine list

> instead of a fetchmail list. There are many programs that relate to the

> use of Alpine and this is one of them, so I reconsidered and thought it

> was appropriate too.

Well, I'll take that as a green light to toss out another alternative. :)

OfflineIMAP is a similar program that can fetch mail from a remote IMAP
server. It can do both one-way (i.e., only fetch messages, never modify
server-side state) and two-way sync (i.e., when you delete a message in
the local copy, it will also delete it on the server), and it is known to
work with Google and Outlook365, both using OAUTH2.

There are a lot of fetchmail-type apps out there, but OfflineIMAP is by
far the one that I personally have had the best luck with. I have most
often used it to do one-way sync, to keep an immutable backup of all mail
that I ever received; but I have also used it in two-way sync mode, and
never had any problems. Your mileage may vary, but it is always my first
choice in this space.

Some links that may help:


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