[Alpine-info] Two newbie-ish questions

Milt Epstein mepstein at illinois.edu
Wed Mar 23 10:45:34 PDT 2022

I had noticed the same thing. That is, I'd go to save the message to
another folder, and the message at the bottom of the screen would be:

SAVE Msg ##### to folder in <Local Folders> [saved-messages] :

and entering INBOX (or similar) wouldn't work -- it would try to
create another file/folder named "INBOX". At one point I noticed I
could use ^T ("To Fldrs") to go to my list of folders, go up to INBOX
and select it, and then it would do the right thing. Just now I tried
that again, and after selecting INBOX the message at the bottom of the
screen was:

SAVE Msg ##### to folder in <Incoming-Folders> [saved-messages] : INBOX

And I thought, "Hmm, that's the same as the other message, why does it
work and the other one doesn't"; but then I took a closer look and saw
that it wasn't quite the same -- it's got "<Incoming-Folders>" rather
than "<Local Folders>".

With this insight, I retried the original save, noticed there was a
command/keystroke available ^P ("Prev Collection"), and upon trying
that, it switched "<Local Folders>" to "<Incoming-Folders>", and then
I was able to specify INBOX.

tl;dr Hit ^P to switch which set of folders you're trying to save to
before entering INBOX.

Milt Epstein
mepstein at illinois.edu
Instructional Designer
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

On Wed, 23 Mar 2022, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:

> I've been using alpine for years (started with pine) but sometimes I get

> stuck. I tried google but I couldn't phrase the question in a way that

> got me any answers.


> Moving an email from a folder to INBOX when INBOX is /var/mail/$USERNAME

> requires typing in the whole path. It doesn't seem to like INBOX or

> inbox. I can use the full pathname but not the alias. Is this a setting

> I got wrong so long ago?


> My "new" graphical email client seems to touch all my folders so

> switching between that and using alpine I can't tab to folders with new

> messages automatically. Is there a setting that says "TAB goes to the

> next folder in my collection" and not "TAB goes to the next untouched

> folder with new email"?


> Thanks for any help.


> --

> Hisashi T Fujinaka - htodd at twofifty.com

> BSEE + BSChem + BAEnglish + MSCS + $2.50 = coffee

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