[Alpine-info] mail test

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Thu May 26 09:42:50 PDT 2022

On 26/5/22 11:19 pm, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:

> I can read mails with alpine, but impossible to save it to a folder

> ("busy" .... timeout), and to to send.


> fortunately, it's much better with thunderbird, as you can see.


> best regards,


> Pierre Frenkiel


If you are seeking help, it is more useful with a post like the above,
to include the version of alpine, that you are running, and, the
operating system platform, upon which you are running it (the operating
system name and version number.

For example, on alpine v2,24, running on UbuntuMATE Linux v20.10, I do
not have any of the problems that you mentioned.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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