[Alpine-info] alpine and gmail filtering?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Tue Dec 19 21:30:16 PST 2023

Hi folks,
Have been silent as my resources managed to configure alpine so that it
can access my gmail content using imap.
i have a master password, my resource has me using ssh to reach where
alpine is running as well.
The issue seems to be getting the two services to play well together.
As an example, when I send a gmail, the message is not placed in my sent
messages folder, instead it just gets saved to my inbox.
If I delete something, at least just now, it is not actually removed,
There may be a couple of things going on.
1, gmail uses a different folder / labeling system from alpine, with
perhaps there being a configuration in alpine that needs set for filtering
to work correctly..I am quite worried about the wonderful postponed
messages folder when a composition gets interrupted.
2, my resource who is new to alpine is missing a folder filter step
allowing alpine to control where items go?
Question is this,
if you are using alpine to manage gmail say have been doing this for the
last few months, how did you synchronize filtering so sent messages go
where they should, trash goes where it should and so forth?

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