[Alpine-info] Maildir folder-collection

Paolo Andretta andretta at apf.it
Mon Dec 25 01:46:41 PST 2023

On Sun, 24 Dec 2023, Eduardo Chappa wrote:

>> The only problem I noticied is that while I can create a subfolder saving a

>> message in FOLDER.subfolder , when I try to delete it it give me this

>> error:


>> [Can not read #mc/Maildir/.mail.23.12a//: No such file or directory]

>> subfolder


> Ouch, that does not sound right. I have made some modifications to the code

> to attempt to address this and published a new patch. If you can test it I

> would appreciate it. The patch can be obtained from


> https://alpineapp.email/alpine/info/maildir.html

I am an old lazy sysadmin ;-)
I switched from Slack to RH and Debian to reduce the package compilation
activity ;-)
I try to test your patch asap, but I need to create a VM with development
tools installed and refresh my memory on building rpm (last rpm that I
build was a couple of years ago ...)
I suppose I can't do this today ;-)

Thanks for yor interest and for development of Pine/Alpine in all this
years ;-)



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