[Alpine-info] quick alpine filtering question?
Milt Epstein
mepstein at illinois.edu
Thu May 18 11:49:10 PDT 2023
I'd think most anything you can do/could have done in pine, you can do
in alpine -- similarly if not exactly.
To select messages, while in the message index, you can use ':' to
select a particular message, the one you're on (and you can use ':'
repeatedly to select multiple messages -- if you're on a previously
selected message, ':' will unselect it), or you can use ';' to select
messages based on a certain criterion (it will ask you what criterion
to use).
Once you have your messages selected you can do 'A' (to apply an
aggregate command, i.e., to all the selected message), then 'S' to
save to a folder. There are various ways to specify the folder.
Each screen you're on will have a few lines of help down at the bottom
(the command's keystroke and its name), and you can use 'O' to show
different lines of help.
Milt Epstein
mepstein at illinois.edu
On Thu, 18 May 2023, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> My access and use of Alpine is tied to how Dreamhost configures the tool with
> their hosting service.
> Saying that in case it impacts the answer.
> Unfortunately dreamhost does not associate a spam filter with much direct
> association with the mail clients, i. e. I cannot go through a list and mark
> that list is not spam getting them moved back to my inbox.
> Is there any way to select and forward several emails from one folder to
> another in alpine?
> For example, I can in pine select and save, its one way I have moved items
> before.
> Sorry if the solution is obvious, but my personal experience of alpine is not
> positive via dreamhost. I fear risking content I cannot recover.
> Thanks,
> Karen
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