[Alpine-info] Seeking someone who..?
Carlos E. R.
robin.listas at telefonica.net
Sun Nov 26 13:57:17 PST 2023
Hash: SHA1
El 2023-11-26 a las 16:26 -0500, Karen Lewellen escribió:
> Currently uses alpine to access their gmail account.
> A bit of context
> I experience sight loss, with basic html my only direct access to my gmail
> account..which has been removed as of last Monday.
> I use my gmail account personally and professionally, its lost is quite quite
> quite a situation for me.
> There is an associate in Toronto who is aiming to provide an email setup,
> configuring alpine to access gmail, but he has never configured alpine
> before.
> As I experience sight loss, and have only accessed my gmail account via the
> web interface, I need to
> 1, be sure what I am told should happen here incorporating imap is what I
> expect,
> and 2, insure my associate has correct information, all of my alpine access
> is via dreamhost, and they do not configure alpine well.
> My associate is using Alpine 2.5, which I recall has a tool that allows one
> to authenticate to gmail, but I am seeking someone with direct experience so
> this gets done to the best of Alpine's ability.
> If you are personally doing this, Can you please write me off list?
> I absolutely positively do not have the emotional capacity to gamble here,
> hoping to connect Ron with someone who knows what they are doing.
> klewellen at shellworld.net
> thanks,
I use Alpine to receive or read email (for sending I use Postfix in my
Linux machine). I am on version 2.26, so I'm confused by you claiming you
use version 2.5
I do access gmail account, but perhaps not the way you are thinking off.
I do not now how to write a step by step howto, sorry.
The first step is to get an Application Password.
Create & use app passwords
Go to your Google Account.
Select Security.
Under "Signing in to Google," select 2-Step Verification.
At the bottom of the page, select App passwords.
Enter a name that helps you remember where you'll use the app password.
Select Generate.
Once you have such a password, you can add the mail account in Alpine and
just give that application password when asked.
This is a sample configuration:
"Gmail" {imap.gmail.com/ssl/user=YOURACCOUNT at gmail.com}INBOX
This way you do not have to use OAuth2, which is a complication.
The sending part I don't know how to handle in Alpine (because I do it
using a Linux system daemon), but the trick is giving it the application
HTH, and others may fill in the holes.
- --
Carlos E. R.
(from openSUSE 15.5 (Laicolasse))
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