[Alpine-info] more than one signiture?

Lucio Chiappetti lucio at lambrate.inaf.it
Fri Oct 20 14:18:02 PDT 2023

Sorry for any delay, I read the mailing list in digest mode ocne per day.

On Thu, 19 Oct 2023, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Need to check if the r method is set up via the alpine compile dreamhost

> provides actually works.

What do you mean by "the r method" ? The roles ? M S R R ?

> Still, I can say leave my current signature for one, and create a row

> for another, simply using it instead for specific communications?

"create a row" ? do you mean "create a role" or "create a signature" ?

You can create as many roles as you want. Each role can define its own
signature. AFAIK a signature can be defined inline or in a signature file
(personally I use omly the latter).

A role can be invoked automatically based on some pattern (e.g. the
addresses you are sending to), or invoked manually when composing or

For instance if you compose a new message, instead of C use #. That will
enter the role menu (mine has 10 possible roles). If you are replying to
message (pressing R) you press R again (read what is in the bootom lines
of the screen) and tha will enter the role menu (after you've chosen a
rle, it will prompt for confirmation),

(for instance this message is using [automatically] the replyall-alpine
role. This role does not use any non-defult signature, but forces the
reply to go ONLY to the entire list and not to the sender)

You can do almost everything with Alpine !

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
A middle rank researcher at end career is not rich but is in the top 5%
of the Italian income tax taxpayers. Does it not sound strange ?

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