[Alpine-info] Inbox Zero with Alpine, anyone ?

Xavier Maillard x at maillard.im
Sun Sep 10 20:56:39 PDT 2023


On Sun, 10 Sep 2023, Bret Busby wrote:

> On 10/9/23 12:12, Xavier Maillard wrote:

>> Hello,


>> All is said in the title. Does anyone of you practice the Inbox Zero mail

>> strategy inside Alpine ? If so, what tips can you share or what would be

>> the best settings you use ?


> Perhaps it would be helpful if you would explain what is the "Inbox Zero mail

> strategy".

It consists simply to maintain or be as close as possible to 0 mail in the
Inbox folder.

Typically you would only check your mails once or twice a day, then each
mail in your Inbox should be processed and have 4 actions: either delegate
(transfert + CC to you), defer it until you have more time to take care of
it, delete/archive if it has no value (newsletters often fall into this),
and finally treat it (answer).

Once you DO your mails, you'd eventually keep you Inbox under control.

Is it clearer ?

Some ways to do it:
- manually check your mail (and be offline).
- keep you MUA closed when you DO not your mails
- Create 4 folders (action required, etc.) and keep this stuff under
- etc.

I am still learning it thus my initial post.


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