[Alpine-info] Forwarded mail partially invisible in Outlook

Olaf Skibbe olaf at kravcenko.com
Tue Feb 20 12:35:44 PST 2024

On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 17:41, Eduardo Chappa wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Feb 2024, Olaf Skibbe wrote:


>> On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 11:21, Eduardo Chappa wrote:


>>> When a message is exported through the web, the default is to

>>> export certain parts but not all. In theory the full message could

>>> be exported, but the default is to export a part of it. What I mean

>>> is that when you open the message to read it the client has a

>>> choice, they can either pick the html part (default) or the

>>> text/plain part. The latter has to be requested explicitly. You

>>> could get both, but that would be slow, or you could request the

>>> full message (even slower), so guess what the Outlook interface is

>>> doing: Picking up the default, that is the HTML part.


>> Yes, I understand this. But I assume there is more to it. There are

>> many clients which can be defaulted to show the HTML part.


> That is not what I said. In the IMAP protocol the client is given a

> full description of the message. In the POP protocol the client is

> given the full message. In OWA the client has no idea about the

> structure of the message in regards to alternative parts.

Sorry, I probably was not clear. I just wanted to add, that the behavior
of Outlook is not consistent in the way that it does not always pick
only the HTML part. But I think you made everything clear.

> I just tried to explain to you how OWA works. It is more involved than

> the explanation I gave you. Different situations lead to different

> results, but for the situation you presented I gave you the

> explanation. I hope that helps you a bit.

Yes, it did, thank you.


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