[Alpine-info] Draft RFC for Handling Misdirected Emails

Andrew C Aitchison andrew at aitchison.me.uk
Tue Mar 26 07:53:58 PDT 2024

I have just come across
Adding a Wrong Recipient URL for Handling Misdirected Emails

Interestingly section 6.2 says
When a mail client receives an email that includes a Wrong-Recipient
header field, an option SHOULD be exposed in the user interface that
allows a recipient to indicate that the mail was intended for another
user, if and only if the email is reasonably assured to not be spam.
and section 11 says
MUAs ought only expose this Wrong Recipient option [to the user]
if relatively confident that the email is not spam.

... So this RFC is intended for transactional messages
... which I think means that there is not a strong need for Alpine
to include a Wrong-Recipient header ?

Like List-Unsubscribe, the MUA receives an HTTPS POST
or a mail-to: URI to contact the sending server.

Anyone interested in adding a "this is not me" key sequence to Alpine ?

Andrew C. Aitchison Kendal, UK
andrew at aitchison.me.uk

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