[Alpine-info] Gmail Access

Eduardo Chappa via Alpine-info alpine-info at u.washington.edu
Thu May 23 09:50:14 PDT 2024

On Mon, 20 May 2024, Chime Hart wrote:

> Good Morning Eduardo: No we didn't keep Alpine opened, just every so-many days

> try-and-open it. While its interesting you mention opening 2 paralel instances,

> I want to ask a related anoyance? Sometimes while downloading a large youtube

> item linked from google news results, while still in Alpine, I want to still

> look at new mail. However, it makes 1 of the 2 Alpines read only. Is their some

> way of removing this restriction?

I am not sure what is happening here, but coming back to the issue at
hand. I found the following information on Google:

Authorizations by a test user will expire seven days from the time of
consent. If your OAuth client requests an offline access type and receives
a refresh token, that token will also expire.

the source is


Does this explain what is happening here?


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