[Alpine-info] Running two copies of alpine - was Re: Gmail Access

Carlos E. R. via Alpine-info alpine-info at u.washington.edu
Sat May 25 05:34:12 PDT 2024

On 2024-05-23 19:53, Andrew C Aitchison via Alpine-info wrote:

> On Thu, 23 May 2024, Chime Hart via Alpine-info wrote:


>> Now, as to my unrelated question, I will ask it differently? Is their

>> a way of opening Alpine in 2 separate consoles, without 1 of them

>> becoming "read only"? I would like either session to act on messages.

>> Thanks so much in advance


> The message when you start the second copy refers to a "folder lock".

> Experimentation show that it is possible to re-open a previously locked

> folder to check for new messages.


> As long as you don't try to *use* both copies *at the same time*

> I think it will be possible, but not necessarily safe.

There is no intrinsic reason to not be able to open 20 mail clients if
that is your wish. Thunderbird does it, for instance. What must not
happen is altering the same mail folder by two or more clients.

Alpine usually complains about the inbox file or folder; but if you
access the inbox by imap instead, it doesn't complain.

Of course, this means you have to run an imap server locally. Or perhaps
you could try configuring the second alpine to open a different (fake)
inbox folder.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 15.5 x86_64 at Telcontar)

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