[Alpine-info] How to unspam false positives?

Thomas Gramstad via Alpine-info alpine-info at u.washington.edu
Thu Nov 14 03:23:06 PST 2024

Office365 has been enforced at work, and I'm now using "Alpine
with MS365 using OAuth2" and Alpine 2.26.

Some legitimate e-mail is now in the Spam folder. How do I tell
Alpine that they are NOT spam?

A few legitimate e-mails sent directly to me -- that people tell
me they have sent -- are nowhere to be found. Not in the Spam nor
Trash folders, Is there anywhere else I can look for them?

Sometimes an occasional e-mail via mailing lists does not make
it. For example, there is a discussion thread of 6 e-mails, and I
receive number 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, but not number 4. Number 5 and 6
are replies to number 4, and I get those, and that is how I know
I didn't get number 4.

Thomas Gramstad

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