[Alpine-info] How to unspam false positives?

Milt Epstein via Alpine-info alpine-info at u.washington.edu
Thu Nov 14 09:00:04 PST 2024

On Thu, 14 Nov 2024, Thomas Gramstad via Alpine-info wrote:

> Office365 has been enforced at work, and I'm now using "Alpine

> with MS365 using OAuth2" and Alpine 2.26.

Similar for me. I don't know if you're having Alpine talk to MS365
using IMAP, or instead using something like fetchmail to get the
messages. (I've done both of these, although I have more experience
with the latter.)

> Some legitimate e-mail is now in the Spam folder. How do I tell

> Alpine that they are NOT spam?

As someone said, it is MS365 that is marking them as spam, not Alpine,
so you'd have to tell MS365 that it's not spam, not Alpine. There
should be a way to do that through the MS365 web interface -- but you
may have to do it for each such message individually.

A couple things I'll add: With my work's setup, the spam folder is
called "Junk Email".

And instead or, or perhaps in addition to, telling MS365 that the
messages are not spam, you may be able to connect to that folder
directly (or get the messages from that folder directly).

> A few legitimate e-mails sent directly to me -- that people tell

> me they have sent -- are nowhere to be found. Not in the Spam nor

> Trash folders, Is there anywhere else I can look for them?


> Sometimes an occasional e-mail via mailing lists does not make

> it. For example, there is a discussion thread of 6 e-mails, and I

> receive number 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, but not number 4. Number 5 and 6

> are replies to number 4, and I get those, and that is how I know

> I didn't get number 4.

These are probably the same thing -- some messages not getting
through, some individual/direct messages and some mailing list
messages. I've noticed this happen for me as well (maybe only for the
latter case, since those you can notice by yourself, as you point
out). I've investigated this in my setup, and haven't been able to
determine for sure what happened.

Now, my setup does have a virus/spam detection system as part of the
overall system (I mean that my work takes care of -- I don't know or
have access to the details of how it works), and I believe things they
believe to be viruses and perhaps also guaranteed/100% spam they
simply trash without even sending to MS365. So perhaps that's what's
happening with these messages. But that's just a guess. If anyone
has better hypthoses, or more definitive knowledge, as to what
might've happening, I'd be happy to hear them.

> Thomas Gramstad

Milt Epstein
mepstein at illinois.edu

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