[AMP-L] The Therapeutic Power of Scuba Diving

Wayne Renardson wrenardson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 15:19:38 PDT 2022

via The Washington Post:

This is a very decent article [ed.]

Tracy Schmitt spent years trying to find a scuba instructor. She is a
competitive sailor, skier and mountaineer, but each dive shop she
approached refused to entertain the idea that she could be a capable

"I had all of these conversations trying to be persuasive," Schmitt says.
"Not even to get accepted but just to - pardon the expression - get a
foot in the door."

Schmitt was born a quadruple amputee. Her disability eclipsed her many
achievements, such as captaining 110-foot ships in the eastern Atlantic,
and the instructors assumed teaching her to dive would be impossible.

The rest of the story, with photos here:


Wayne R.

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