[AMP-L] Government Urged to Fund Bionic Limbs on NHS

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Sat Aug 6 04:35:08 PDT 2022

via The Mirror UK:

At present, the NHS routinely provides fake arms that look the part
but cannot move - leaving families to fundraise £12,000 for each
'bionic' prosthetic limb that can function.

British pound = US $1.21

Little Darcie-May dreams of becoming a ballerina... and she is just one
of many kids whose lives could be transformed if the Government funds
bionic limbs on the NHS this month.

The two-year-old lost her arm and several fingers after a stroke and
struggles to do basic things such as eating with her hands. She uses
her feet to compensate.

At present, the NHS routinely provides fake arms that look the part
but cannot move - leaving families to fundraise £12,000 for each
"bionic" prosthetic limb that can function.

NHS England says it has to consider "whether [the limb] represents
the best use of NHS resources".

The rest of the story, with photo, here:


with link to:

Brave two-year-old ballerina's plea for prosthetic limb so dancing
dream comes true

Wayne R.

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