[AMP-L] Pneumatic Prosthesis to Reduce Pressure and Irritation for Amputees

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Fri Jul 8 04:54:30 PDT 2022

via Med Gadget:

At the University of Waterloo in Canada, researchers have developed a
microfluidic-based pneumatic system that adjusts the pressure within
the socket of a lower limb prosthesis.

The aim is to achieve the ideal pressure and adjust the fit of the
prosthesis to compensate for changes in the size of the residual limb
because of swelling. Current lower limb prostheses require users to
change silicone and fabric liners manually to adjust the fit of their
prosthetic device.

This is suboptimal, particularly in patients with diabetes who may
have limited feeling in their residual limb, leading to chafing and
ulceration. This new device contains miniaturized pneumatic actuators
that can precisely control the fit of the prosthesis, helping to
reduce irritation.

The rest of the story, with illustration, here:


Wayne R.

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