[AMP-L] 5 Challenges For New Amputees

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Wed Sep 21 17:03:38 PDT 2022

via The Liner Wand:

Each year, more than a million amputations occur worldwide. A
staggering number at first glance, but with a population of 7.8
billion humans, the amputee community is minuscule by comparison.

Statistically speaking, there´s a higher chance of Godzilla ripping
off your roof and kicking over your son´s pillow fort than there is
of an able-bodied person becoming dismembered.

This makes us the unicorns of the globe, though losing a limb may
feel less like a mythical experience and more like a gauntlet with
layered challenges, such as:

The rest of the story, with photo, here:


Wayne R.

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