[AMP-L] Two Woman Discuss How Basketball Changed Lives [Video]

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Thu Sep 29 04:39:05 PDT 2022

via Sky Sports:

Amy Conroy was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, at
13 years old. She described what she went through. "My heart
plummeted. For me, cancer means death. My grandparents, mum and
uncle, had all died from cancer."

She added: "I thought this was it. I am going to die at 13."

Diagnosed late, Conroy had a 50 per cent chance of survival, and the
cancer was widespread. "I had a wheelchair, and as I sat down, I had
no idea I would not stand up again for two years," she revealed.

An above-knee amputee, she started playing wheelchair basketball
through her father who she saw as her hero. He encouraged her to
attend and kept taking her back even though she disliked it.

The rest of the story, with photos & video, here:


Wayne R.

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