[AMP-L] Keith Parris Became the Online Representation He Needed

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Wed May 17 11:51:54 PDT 2023

via Into:

Keith Parris, aka the Icy amputee warrior, understands the importance
of representation. When he couldn´t see his own identities reflected
back at him on TV and social media, he became the representation he

Growing up as a Black queer amputee wasn´t easy for Parris. As a
child of Caribbean immigrants (his mother is from Trinidad and his
father is from Grenada) born and raised in New York City, Parris was
already caught between multiple worlds. Additionally, he was
navigating an eating disorder, self-harming impulses, and was on the
receiving end of schoolyard gossip. The barrage was immense, but
Parris decided to take his narrative into his own hands, at the
encouragement of a student counselor, by writing it into the
storytelling site Wattpad. 

The rest of the story, with Instagram photos, here:


Wayne R.

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