[AMP-L] Prosthetic Ankle Design Increased Foot Clearance, May Decrease Fall Risk

Wayne Renardson wayne.renardson at comcast.net
Thu May 25 12:21:45 PDT 2023

via The O&P Edge:

A team of researchers designed a prosthetic ankle with the goal of
reducing fall risk by dorsiflexing the ankle joint during swing to
provide an increase in the minimum clearance between the foot and
ground. Unlike previous approaches to providing swing dorsiflexion,
such as powered ankles or hydraulic systems with dissipative yielding
in-stance, the ankle has a spring-loaded linkage that adopts a
neutral angle during stance. The researchers say this allows energy
storage and return (ESR) but adopts a dorsiflexed angle during swing.

The rest of the story here:


Wayne R.

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