[Athen] ATHEN E-Journal Topic Request
Teresa Wells Haven
tlwells at uark.edu
Mon Apr 30 14:26:53 PDT 2007
Greetings, all. It's time to start gearing up for another issue of the
ATHEN E-journal, so we would like to ask: what topic do YOU think would
be beneficial to address? Anything reasonably related to the purpose of
ATHEN is fair game, so be creative! Please email your topic ideas
directly to me at tlwells at uark.edu.
I'll look forward to hearing your ideas,
Teresa Haven
Teresa Wells Haven, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Assistive Technology
Center for Educational Access
(Formerly Center for Students with Disabilities)
ARKU 104
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
479-575-3104 (voice)
479-575-7445 (fax)
479-575-3646 (tdd)
ada at uark.edu
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