[Athen] Looking for Info on Web 2.0
John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility Program
jfoliot at stanford.edu
Wed May 16 09:46:33 PDT 2007
Thanks for this Terry... Now off to do some reading and playing... ReefChat
eh? Cool!
Terry Thompson wrote:
> Hi All,
> A couple of weeks ago I promised to get back with the list regarding
> the W4A conference, and my thoughts regarding its being offered as a
> "co-located" but separate conference, rather than integrated into the
> larger conference. Now, back from beautiful Banff, here's my report:
> The W4A conference itself contained a wealth of information on web
> accessibility. Regarding Web 2.0 specifically, Becky Gibson of IBM
> and Cynthia Shelly of Microsoft each shared their perspectives on Web
> 2.0 accessibility, including specific techniques and demos of
> functioning, accessible apps. Michael Cooper of WAI also discussed
> Web 2.0, and gave an excellent overview of the potential that
> emerging technologies bring for improving accessibility, as well as
> accessibility problems and solutions
> related to these technologies from a W3C perspective.
> Case-in-point of AJAX actually improving accessibility, Peter
> Thiessen of the ATRC at the University of Toronto introduced
> ReefChat, his accessible chat application that depends on AJAX and
> the W3C's techniques for Accessible Rich Internet Applications
> (ARIA). He demonstrated this application with Fire Vox (the talking
> browser extension for Firefox), though supposedly it also works with
> Window-Eyes and JAWS. Here's the URL if you'd like to sample it
> yourselves:
> http://reefchat.overscore.com/
> Including the above, there were over two dozen technical papers on
> various aspects of web accessibility, the overall quality of which
> was quite good. The online schedule includes links to all of the
> papers:
> http://www.w4a.info/2007/prog/index.shtml
> Oh, I should mention that the papers are only available in... um...
> untagged PDF.
> On the issue of accessibility being "separate" from the larger WWW
> conference, I actually thought long and hard about this when I was
> filling out my comment form. As tempting as it would be to suggest
> that the larger conference should include a specific track on
> accessibility, in many ways I liked that it was a separate event. The
> best thing that happened at W4A was the networking. The same group of
> 80 or so people spent two solid days together, which created
> opportunities for discussion and collaboration that probably wouldn't
> have happened if people were selecting accessibility-related sessions
> here and there among a larger mix of sessions within the context of
> the full conference. Also, the WWW conference actually did include
> some accessibility sessions of its own, one of which was even
> nominated for Best Paper from among the hundreds of papers that were
> presented (the nominee was "CSurf: A Context-Driven Non-Visual
> Browser", developed at Stony Brook University:
> http://www.www2007.org/paper649.php)
> A UW colleague of mine Rick Ells joined me at the conference, and has
> provided even more detail in his W4A/WWW Trip Report:
> http://staff.washington.edu/rells/conferences/www2007/
> Terry
> Terry Thompson
> Technology Specialist, DO-IT
> University of Washington
> tft at u.washington.edu
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility Program
>> [mailto:jfoliot at stanford.edu] Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 9:15 PM
>> To: tft at u.washington.edu; 'Access Technologists in Higher Education
>> Network' Subject: RE: [Athen] Looking for Info on Web 2.0
>> Terry Thompson wrote:
>>> One note of clarification: Attending the WWW conference is optional.
>>> One could choose to attend only the W4A conference if one were so
>>> inclined. That's not obvious from the registration form - I had to
>>> ask, and that's what they told me.
>>> As for integration of accessibility into the larger community of Web
>>> 2.0 ideas, I think W4A is a positive step. It's part of the larger
>>> conference and occurs prior to the main conference so attendees will
>>> be fully emmersed in accessibility for two full days plus a banquet,
>>> then can take that accessibility-focused mindset into the main
>>> conference and contribute informed accessibility-related ideas to
>>> the larger discussions. That's what I expect to happen anyway. I'll
>>> be there, and will let you know if I'm still feeling good about it
>>> afterwards.
>>> Terry
>> Thanks Terry, I will check my cynicism for the moment then,
>> and look forward to hearing back from you.
>> Cheers!
>> JF
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