[Athen] FW: Question regarding Assistive/adaptive Technologist
salary ranges and job description
Berkowitz, Daniel J
djbrky at bu.edu
Wed May 30 04:15:13 PDT 2007
-----Original Message-----
From: Disabled Student Services in Higher Education
[mailto:DSSHE-L at LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU] On Behalf Of Jenna Howard
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 12:45 PM
Subject: Question regarding Assistive/adaptive Technologist salary
ranges and job description
Oklahoma City Community College is seeking guidance for an
assistive/adaptive technologist.
We are not requiring a degree but computer know-how.
I would appreciate any assistance about salary range as well as a job
Contact me off listserv at: pstowe at occc.edu
pat stowe
director, student support services
oklahoma city community college
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