[Athen] FW: Nomination of Officers
Pratik Patel
pratikp1 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 04:17:42 PDT 2007
Hello all,
Just a brief reminder that the deadline for nominations is today. Please
see the forwarded announcement.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pratik Patel [mailto:pratikp1 at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:38 PM
To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'
Subject: Nomination of Officers
Importance: High
Dear colleagues,
As you might have noted from the e-mail messages that have passed back and
forth over the last week, ATHEN is getting ready to conduct its annual
election of officers prior to (and in conjunction with) the Accessing Higher
Ground Conference. The absence of unanimous egging leads me to be the sole
volunteer overseeing this election process.
I would ask that you please read this message in its entirety as it contains
instructions on the first phase of this endeavor.
With this message, we open up the virtual floor for nominations for the
following officer positions in accordance with ATHEN's by-laws
1. President
2. One or more vice presidents
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
For a list of officer duties, see article IV, Sections 5.5 through 5.8.
All nominations must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM eastern on Sunday
October 28, 2007.
If you are self nominating or nominating an individual for a position with
his/her knowledge, you may submit the nomination to the ATHEN discussion
list (Access Technologists in Higher Education Network
[athen at athenpro.org]). All individuals nominated for a position must accept
the nomination. If you are nominating an individual or individuals for
positions without his/her knowledge--and such a practice is highly
discouraged, please forward the nomination to me privately at
pratikp1 at gmail.com. Please provide the nominee's full contact information
in order to verify acceptance. If you do not feel comfortable nominating
someone over the ATHEN discussion list, you may also forward the nomination
to be privately at pratikp1 at gmail.com.
Advanced apologies for the inconvenience; however, please note that
individuals who may have expressed interest in running for a position prior
to the beginning of the nomination process must officially declare his/her
willingness to run for a position through the nominations process as
outlined in this message.
All candidates must submit a statement that states his/her qualifications
for the position being sought prior to the beginning of the voting process.
Online voting will begin a few days after nominations have been submitted
and will run through the morning of November 8, 2007 more information on the
voting process will be available in a separate message.
Please do not hesitate to address any questions on the nominations process
to me privately at pratikp1 at gmail.com.
I look forward to the nominations process and the subsequent voting.
Warm regards,
Pratik Patel
Director, IT Access. Director, PeopleTech
The City University of New York
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