[Athen] proctor help at AHG

Saroj Primlani saroj_primlani at ncsu.edu
Mon Oct 29 11:58:48 PDT 2007

I can do Wednesday at 8, The Next Generation of Web Applications and Access
for People with Disabilities, Jared Smith, WebAIM and at 10:30 From
Principles to Practice: faculty implementation of UDL, Craig Spooner &
Catherine Schelly, The ACCESS Project, CSU

Saroj Primlani
Coordinator of University IT Accessibility
919 513 4087

-----Original Message-----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of athen-request at athenpro.org
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 2:45 PM
To: athen at athenpro.org
Subject: Athen Digest, Vol 21, Issue 51

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Athen digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Re: FW: Nomination of Officers (Pratik Patel)
2. Re: Portable CCTV (Daryl Murphy)
3. Re: need proctor help for Conference (E.A. Draffan)
4. FW: [CATS] Mac Learning WebCast: Accessibility (part 2)
(Sean Keegan)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:15:04 -0400
From: "Pratik Patel" <pratikp1 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Athen] FW: Nomination of Officers
To: "'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <008a01c81a2d$b93cd000$2bb67000$@com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hello all,

Was just going to post this announcement.

So far the candidates who have declared or have been nominated are:

1. President: Ron Stewart
2. Vice President: (none)
3. Secretary: Dan Berkowitz
4. Treasurer: Heidi Scher

In light of the fact that we have no one nominated to run for the VP's
position(s), I'm extending nominations until the end of the day tomorrow,
October 30, 2007. Please see my earlier announcement regarding procedures.



-----Original Message-----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Ron Stewart
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 8:51 AM
To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'
Subject: Re: [Athen] FW: Nomination of Officers


Can you please provide the list of candidates you have thus far please.

Ron Stewart

-----Original Message-----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Pratik Patel
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 7:18 AM
To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'
Subject: [Athen] FW: Nomination of Officers
Importance: High

Hello all,

Just a brief reminder that the deadline for nominations is today. Please
see the forwarded announcement.



-----Original Message-----
From: Pratik Patel [mailto:pratikp1 at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:38 PM
To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'
Subject: Nomination of Officers
Importance: High

Dear colleagues,

As you might have noted from the e-mail messages that have passed back and
forth over the last week, ATHEN is getting ready to conduct its annual
election of officers prior to (and in conjunction with) the Accessing Higher
Ground Conference. The absence of unanimous egging leads me to be the sole
volunteer overseeing this election process.

I would ask that you please read this message in its entirety as it contains
instructions on the first phase of this endeavor.

With this message, we open up the virtual floor for nominations for the
following officer positions in accordance with ATHEN's by-laws
1. President
2. One or more vice presidents
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer

For a list of officer duties, see article IV, Sections 5.5 through 5.8.

All nominations must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM eastern on Sunday
October 28, 2007.

If you are self nominating or nominating an individual for a position with
his/her knowledge, you may submit the nomination to the ATHEN discussion
list (Access Technologists in Higher Education Network
[athen at athenpro.org]). All individuals nominated for a position must accept
the nomination. If you are nominating an individual or individuals for
positions without his/her knowledge--and such a practice is highly
discouraged, please forward the nomination to me privately at
pratikp1 at gmail.com. Please provide the nominee's full contact information
in order to verify acceptance. If you do not feel comfortable nominating
someone over the ATHEN discussion list, you may also forward the nomination
to be privately at pratikp1 at gmail.com.

Advanced apologies for the inconvenience; however, please note that
individuals who may have expressed interest in running for a position prior
to the beginning of the nomination process must officially declare his/her
willingness to run for a position through the nominations process as
outlined in this message.

All candidates must submit a statement that states his/her qualifications
for the position being sought prior to the beginning of the voting process.
Online voting will begin a few days after nominations have been submitted
and will run through the morning of November 8, 2007 more information on the
voting process will be available in a separate message.

Please do not hesitate to address any questions on the nominations process
to me privately at pratikp1 at gmail.com.

I look forward to the nominations process and the subsequent voting.

Warm regards,


Pratik Patel
Director, IT Access. Director, PeopleTech
The City University of New York
mailto: pratikp1 at gmail.com
PeopleTech Project Site

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Athen at athenpro.org

Athen mailing list
Athen at athenpro.org


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 08:41:00 -0700
From: "Daryl Murphy" <dmurphy at collegeofthedesert.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Portable CCTV
To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"
<athen at athenpro.org>
<866D94404CE9D049B12203795063D4DC747D46 at Dccdmail3.dccd.cc.ca.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

We use a Clarity unit called the Classroom Travelmate. It has an X-Y
Table and you rotate the camera to view the white board from across the
room. We have a 20' TV attached to it, all placed on a adjustable roll
about table. We have three of these setups so we can provide different
locations for just the situation that you described. The web site is;

http://www.clarityusa.com/ <http://www.clarityusa.com/>

From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Larry Kiser
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:50
To: athen at athenpro.org
Subject: [Athen] Portable CCTV

To the Athen Community:

I am interested in how you all provide CCTV access in multiple
classrooms throughout the day for an individual student with low vision.
A student I currently work with has no vision in one eye and limited
vision in the other. The student uses a magnifier at times but relies
on a desktop CCTV in the classroom for textbook viewing. The student
registered for two classes and we were able to arrange for them to meet
in the same classroom. We anticipate in the future scheduling two or
more classes for the same room may not be possible. Another issue is
the type of CCTV the student wants to use. Initially a MyReader unit
was placed on an adjustable table in the classroom. The student did not
like the fact this unit did not have an X-Y table and we therefore
replaced it with an Optelec ClearView unit that does have an X-Y table.
So far the student had not complained about this setup. However, the
student indicated a desire to have a closer view of boardwork.

The Optelec ClearView is not easily transportable. Even the MyReader is
relatively heavy for a portable. We may be able to have our AV
department move units from classroom to classroom on a schedule but they
typically roll units (TVs, computers, etc) into a classroom on a cart
and plug them in. I would think that for optimal viewing of a CCTV it
should be on the student's desk. Should we expect AV to lift units for
a cart to a desk and visa versa several times a day? Is there a special
desk cart that would provide sufficient work space beyond the CCTV? It
would be ideal if the student could carry a unit into the classroom and
set it up on an adjustable table. Do any of you have experience with
any of the Clarity products that have near, intermediate and distance
viewing? Any other suggestions would be welcomed.

Larry Kiser, Counselor

Disabilities Resource Center

Santa Fe Community College

Gainesville, FL

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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 18:24:31 -0000
From: "E.A. Draffan" <ea at emptech.info>
Subject: Re: [Athen] need proctor help for Conference
To: "'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <002b01c81a58$f4232f90$0a01a8c0 at laptop>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1250"

These are the talks I have highlighted and I am only too happy to Proctor
any of them but I am not sure when the meetings for the Athen Survey and the
Athen evaluation group are taking place.
Flagstaff/Trailridge Lab: End the Angst: Universally Designed Word to
accessible PDF, HTML, and simple PPT, Cath Stager-Kilcommons, ATRC, CSU
Millennium Lab Lab: Automated Tactile Graphics, Dan Comden, U. Of

Millennium Lab Lab: Advanced Applications of Basic Accessibility Principles,
Jon Whiting & Jared Smith, WebAIM
Millennium Lab Lab: Concepts & Techniques for Accessible, Closed Captioned
Web based Video, David Klein, Ph.D. & Kenneth "Fritz" Thompson

Millennium Lab Lab: Accessible Podcasting, Jayme Johnson , HTCTU (ends at
Millennium Lab (starts at 10:00) Lab: Using JAWS to test for web
accessibility, Jon Whiting, WebAIM (1.5 hr session ends at 11:30)
Millennium Lab Lab: Functional Accessibility Evaluation of Web 2.0
Applications, Jon Gunderson, UIUC

Millennium Lab Accessibility Consortiums: a New Approach to Resolve IT
Accessibility Issues, Jon Gunderson, Hadi Bargi Rangin, UIUC
231 What is Web 2.0 (and how do we keep it accessible)?, Cath
Stager-Kilcommons & Shaun Geisert, ATRC, CSU

Best wishes E.A.


From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Howard Kramer
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 5:50 AM
To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'
Subject: [Athen] need proctor help for Conference

Hello All:

The conference is quickly approaching. For those attending (& speaking), as
usual, we could use help proctoring. Proctoring just requires handing out
the evaluation forms, getting help for the speaker if some problem arises.
You?re not required to be technical. I?ve attached an updated schedule in
both Word & PDF format. You can just send me a list of sessions you?d be
willing to proctor or write your name in the cell in the Word document. You
can also see the schedule on the Web at www.colorado.edu/ATconference.

Look forward to seeing those of you who are attending in a little over a



Howard Kramer
Assistive Technology Lab Coordinator
AT Conference Coordinator
Disability Services
CU-Boulder, 107 UCB
Boulder, Co 80309

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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:39:19 -0700
From: "Sean Keegan" <skeegan at htctu.net>
Subject: [Athen] FW: [CATS] Mac Learning WebCast: Accessibility (part
To: "HTC Staff Listserver" <htcstaff at htclistserv.htctu.fhda.edu>,
"'Alternate Media'" <altmedia at htclistserv.htctu.fhda.edu>,
Technologists in Higher Education Network'" <athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <005c01c81a5b$05508bd0$99821299 at htctu.fhda.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

For those who may be interested, MacLearning will be hosting a webcast on
Mac OS X Leopard accessibility this Wednesday at 10AM (PDT). That's 1PM for
those of you in the East...

See below for more information.
Take care,

For those that might be interested:

MacLearning will be hosting a webcast entitled Mac OS X Leopard
Accessibility Update on Wednesday October 31st at 1:00PM EDT (10:00 AM PDT).

This webcast features Mike Shebanek, Senior OS Product Marketing Manager,
highlighting the latest accessibility features in Mac OS X Leopard, like the
new Alex voice, Braille support, and new features in VoiceOver, that make
the Mac user friendly for those with disabilities.

Go to the following web page 5-10 minutes prior to the webcast start time:
< <http://webcast.training.apple.com/> http://webcast.training.apple.com/>

The login ID for the MacLearning Webcast on October 31 2007 is "MacLearning"

The login passcode for the MacLearning Webcast on October 31 2007 is
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