[Athen] vcl repository
Saroj Primlani
saroj_primlani at ncsu.edu
Thu Feb 7 10:10:26 PST 2008
Please ignore, selected the wrong name in the address book
Saroj Primlani
Coordinator of University IT Accessibility
Office of Information Technology
919 513 4087
-----Original Message-----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of athen-request at athenpro.org
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 12:09 PM
To: athen at athenpro.org
Subject: Athen Digest, Vol 25, Issue 9
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Today's Topics:
1. Two IT Accessibility positions at UIUC (Jon Gunderson)
2. Your support encouraged (Ron Stewart)
3. Re: Your support encouraged (Robert Martinengo)
4. Re: Your support encouraged (Ron Stewart)
5. Email products (Gerry Nies)
6. Re: Email products (Al Puzzuoli)
7. Re: Software for on campus computers (Jeffrey Sykes)
8. Re: Email products
(John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility Program)
9. vcl file repository (Saroj Primlani)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:10:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Jon Gunderson <jongund at uiuc.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Two IT Accessibility positions at UIUC
To: ATHEN listserv <athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <20080206141017.BBV01516 at expms1.cites.uiuc.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
UIUC is seeking two people to support statewide Web Accessibility efforts.
Please consider these positions yourself and/or send them to people you
think may be interested.
1. Visiting Software Development Specialist
This position will support the development of software tools to promote the
use of best practices in accessible web design in university educational and
administrative technologies.
2. Visiting IT Accessibility Specialist
Development and support the development of training resources to help people
produce accessible web content.
Thank you for your help in publicizing these positions,
Jon Gunderson, Ph.D.
Coordinator Information Technology Accessibility
Disability Resources and Educational Services
Rehabilitation Education Center
Room 86
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, Illinois 61821
Voice: (217) 244-5870
WWW: http://www.cita.uiuc.edu/
WWW: https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/jongund/www/
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 09:06:08 -0500
From: "Ron Stewart" <ron.stewart at dolphinusa.com>
Subject: [Athen] Your support encouraged
To: "'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'"
<athen at athenpro.org>, <e-grads at ahead-lists.org>
Message-ID: <006501c86992$994affb0$cbe0ff10$@stewart at dolphinusa.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Good morning,
A very important bill is up for a vote in the house that could have a
significant impact on our students. Please review the following:
and if you agree with its proposals I would encourage you to contact your
Congressional representative.
Ron Stewart
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 09:24:29 -0500
From: "Robert Martinengo" <accessible.text at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Your support encouraged
To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"
<athen at athenpro.org>
<9edf8160802070624h57ee4fd3ia3fbbe3c514d4918 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Ron, is this linked to the Higher Ed Act, or is it a stand-alone bill?
On Feb 7, 2008 9:06 AM, Ron Stewart <ron.stewart at dolphinusa.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> A very important bill is up for a vote in the house that could have a
> significant impact on our students. Please review the following:
> http://edlabor.house.gov/micro/coaa.shtml
> and if you agree with its proposals I would encourage you to contact your
> Congressional representative.
> https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml
> Ron Stewart
> _______________________________________________
> Athen mailing list
> Athen at athenpro.org
> http://athenpro.org/mailman/listinfo/athen_athenpro.org
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 09:56:52 -0500
From: "Ron Stewart" <ron.stewart at dolphinusa.com>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Your support encouraged
To: "'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <011a01c86999$ac608aa0$05219fe0$@stewart at dolphinusa.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
It is part of the College Opportunity and Affordability Act. I belive it was
originally intended to be an amendment to the HEA. It is now a stand alone
-----Original Message-----
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Robert Martinengo
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 9:24 AM
To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network
Subject: Re: [Athen] Your support encouraged
Ron, is this linked to the Higher Ed Act, or is it a stand-alone bill?
On Feb 7, 2008 9:06 AM, Ron Stewart <ron.stewart at dolphinusa.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> A very important bill is up for a vote in the house that could have a
> significant impact on our students. Please review the following:
> http://edlabor.house.gov/micro/coaa.shtml
> and if you agree with its proposals I would encourage you to contact your
> Congressional representative.
> https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml
> Ron Stewart
> _______________________________________________
> Athen mailing list
> Athen at athenpro.org
> http://athenpro.org/mailman/listinfo/athen_athenpro.org
Athen mailing list
Athen at athenpro.org
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:13:34 -0600
From: "Gerry Nies" <gerrynies at mail.und.nodak.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Email products
To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <47AACBD8.5B96.00E0.0 at mail.und.nodak.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Our campus is looking at out-sourcing our student email. So I have a couple
of questions.
Has your campus gone to a product like Google apps or something equivalent?
If you have, what?
The more important question is are there concerns with accessibility of
these products?
Gerry Nies
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Message: 6
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 10:34:27 -0500
From: "Al Puzzuoli" <alpuzz at msu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Email products
To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <AC43B3FAA0B1F34FAB48EFD89BEC14042510 at FS1.rcpd.msu.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Our campus is discussing outsourcing of mail but thus far, it hasn't
happened. I haven't seen Google Aps myself yet, so can't speak as to
its accessibility; However the ability of screen readers to handle ajax
applications is still in its infancy, so I think the worries are
definitely real. Do all these third party apps offer pop access? If
so, then at least there will be that to fall back on.
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of Gerry Nies
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:14 AM
To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network
Subject: [Athen] Email products
Our campus is looking at out-sourcing our student email. So I have a
couple of questions.
Has your campus gone to a product like Google apps or something
equivalent? If you have, what?
The more important question is are there concerns with accessibility of
these products?
Gerry Nies
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Message: 7
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:58:39 -0500
From: "Jeffrey Sykes" <sykesje at gvsu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Software for on campus computers
To: "Access Technologists in Higher Education Network"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <47AAF26F.1839.0089.0 at gvsu.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Grand Valley State University provides an assistive technology workstation
in each campus computer lab, and in the Writing Center and Libraries. Each
station runs the standard lab image, and has all the usual lab software
In addition, on each assistive tech workstation station we provide JAWS 8.0,
WYNN Wizard 5.1, MAGic 10.5, ZoomText 8.1, Inspiration 8, WordTalk, and
WebbIE 3.3 The Java Accessibility Bridge is also installed. Each library
station and roughly half of the computer lab stations are equipped with
flatbed scanners.
Jeff Sykes
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Disability Support Services
Grand Valley State University
>>> "Henley, Elizabeth" <e.henley at snhu.edu> 02/05/2008 2:15 PM >>>
I have question that's sort of related to the Kurzweil one. For those of
you in a school that has an assistive technology computer/lab set up on
campus, what software do you have installed on it? We're looking to set
up one computer in the library, starting small and gauging what's
working, seeing if there might be any upcoming building changes that
would make for better space, etc., and so I'd love to know what other
schools currently have.
Liz Henley
Office of Disability Services
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Rd
Manchester, NH 03106
(603) 668-2211, ext. 2118
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 09:00:55 -0800
From: "John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility Program"
<jfoliot at stanford.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Email products
To: "'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'"
<athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <019901c869ab$01456bb0$1a3c42ab at stanford.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Gerry Nies wrote:
> Our campus is looking at out-sourcing our student email. So I have a
> couple of questions.
> Has your campus gone to a product like Google apps or something
> equivalent? If you have, what?
> The more important question is are there concerns with accessibility
> of these products?
Last summer an investigation process was undertaken here to evaluate the
next-gen email/calendaring/contacts solution for our University. At that
time, three products were being "presented" and tested: Microsoft's
solution, Google-apps, and Zimbra (recently purchased by Yahoo). While all
three had some issues, the least problematic was the Zimbra solution.
I attended all 3 product presentations as part of the process, and
approached the presenters after each session with business card in hand and
broached the subject of accessibility. Of the 3, I was subsequently
contacted by representatives from Zimbra (who were still independent at the
time) for further discussion regarding some of the issues I had noted.
While easy answers are not always readily available, I was impressed that
Zimbra cared enough to follow up - mind you, they were also the "hungriest",
and having a client such as our University would stand them in good stead,
so they had a vested interest beyond "accessibility" to follow up -
none-the-less their approach and interest in the topic appeared sincere and
I believe that at this time, Zimbra has been chosen as the solution of
choice, although recent external events regarding Yahoo + Microsoft *might*
have an impact here (and I am not privy to the daily decision process
regarding this initiative on campus), so time will tell what ultimately
It is also worth noting that since that time, Google apps have made some
improvement in the accessibility of at least Gmail, although some cynics
suggest that it is still too little too late (but I'm rarely cynical...)
My largest concern with the Microsoft solution was it's dependence on
Internet Explorer for the "richest" user-experience, coupled with the large
Mac user-base on our campus.
Hope this helps.
John Foliot
Academic Technology Consultant
Stanford Online Accessibility Program
Stanford University
Tel: 650-862-4603
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 12:09:31 -0500
From: "Saroj Primlani" <saroj_primlani at ncsu.edu>
Subject: [Athen] vcl file repository
To: <athen at athenpro.org>
Message-ID: <000201c869ac$3477d8a0$60c00798 at sarojnewlaptop>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I went to the storage locker and did not find much as most of the
presentations and papers were basically high level overview of VCL I did
find a pdf file and PowerPoint presentation on the infrastructure and a word
doc with the information given as bullet points. Which were the documents
you wanted me to reviw/edit?
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