[Athen] Now Everyone Can Be Famous!
Prof Norm Coombs
norm.coombs at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 20:39:25 PST 2008
An artist once said that the time was coming that everyone would be famous
for 15 minutes. Maybe he should have said 15 seconds or maybe I'm too cynical.
However the overwhelming popularity today of
Blogs, Wikis, Web 2.0 and social networking has thousands of people sharing
themselves, their pictures, their thoughts and prejudices with the
world. The more people who are placing content on the Web, the more the
potential for the use of design features that may exclude people with older
technology or who need to use special adaptive technology. Yes, people
with disabilities want their time in the sun too!
Starting on Thursday Feb. 7 at 2 PM EASI presents a 4-part weekly Webinar
on Blog and Wiki accessibility. While some of us stick-in-the mud types
thought these fads were for teen-agers, this is not true. Schools,
colleges and universities are using them as another educational technology
tool in their arsenal. Schools at least are expected to make their course
content available in accessible formats.
Read more and register online for this fee-based Webinar series at
(Note that EASI Annual Members have free access to these fee-based Webinars).
Norman Coombs, Ph.D.
Laguna Hills CA (949) 855-4852
EASI January 2008events
5 exciting Webinars 3 of which are public and have no charge
2 online courses:
Barrier-free Information Technology
Creating and Repurposing More Accessible Content
Podcasts and Vodcasts
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