[Athen] Examples of bad VPATs?

Sean Keegan skeegan at htctu.net
Mon Mar 3 11:19:53 PST 2008

Hi Terry,

> I know that many of us have on occasion dissed Voluntary Product

> Accessibility Templates, but I'm having a hard time at the moment

> coming up with a specific bad example.

Are you interested in products that have a VPAT that is inaccurate or one
that does not address the actual product parameters?

For instance, I have a VPAT on a LCD projector that has completed
information under the Video and Multimedia Product category, yet a LCD
projector *should* have (IMO) information under Section 508, 1194.23
(checkpoint K, 1-4) and 1194.25. Additionally, several of the projectors
have software based interfaces, so that would also necessitate an evaluation
under Section 508, 1194.21.

In terms of good VPATs, so far the ones that Microsoft provides are decent:

Also, Adobe provides some okay VPATs as well:

I recently saw a VPAT for Sungard Banner that was very complete. A VPAT I
saw for Datatel was extremely brief (e.g., either Not Applicable or Yes).

Take care,

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