[Athen] Fwd: Tune In April 4: The Why and How of Web Accessibility

Prof Norm Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 13:13:02 PDT 2008

See the announcement below about EDUCAUSE Webinar. Some of us should tune in.

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>Subject: Tune In April 4: The Why and How of Web Accessibility

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>April 4: The Why and How of Web Accessibility


>Harry Hochheiser

>Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences

>Towson University


>Tracy Mitrano

>Director of IT Policy and Computer Policy and Law Program

>Cornell University


>Topic: The Why and How of Web Accessibility (http://www.educause.edu/LIVE087)

>Date: April 4, 2008

>Time: 1:00 p.m. ET (12:00 p.m. CT, 11:00 a.m. MT, 10:00 a.m. PT).

>International participants: You may wish to visit this external

>time-conversion website


>to calculate the start time in your time zone.

>Duration: 1 hour


>The challenge of web accessibility raises issues of both policy and

>technology. This session features experts in each of these two areas.


>Policy guru Tracy Mitrano says: "Developing a web accessibility policy has

>been one of the greatest but most rewarding challenges I have faced in

>creating an IT policy framework at Cornell. With the EDUCAUSE Live!

>audience, I would like to share some of the struggles and stories about

>that process and what accessibility, education, and the web have come to

>mean to me as a result."


>Technology expert Harry Hochheiser summarizes: "Although the need for

>accessible web sites is widely accepted, many developers are still

>uncertain about the costs and limitations associated with designs that

>account for users with varying skills, capabilities, and computing tools.

>Fortunately, these problems are solvable: with proper planning and design,

>web sites can be interactive, engaging, highly functional, and accessible.

>The combination of accessibility guidelines and automated evaluation tools

>can help any developer build sites that are more accessible and usable for

>all users."


>Join us for a discussion of this very important topic.


>The event is free, but registration is required and virtual seating is

>limited. REGISTER NOW (http://www.educause.edu/RegisterNow/15630).


>Explore Related EDUCAUSE Resources

>Follow the link(s) below for articles, conference materials, blog

>postings, and more at EDUCAUSE Connect. Wherever you see the envelope icon

>in the upper right of a page (make sure you're logged in to see it), click

>on it to receive e-mail alerts when related resources are added.


>- Web Accessibility


>- Web Administration, Design and Development



>- Access for Persons with Disabilities


>- Adaptive and Assistive Technology


>- Usability Development


>- Policy and Law: Campus



>Additional Resources


>- ACM Policy Statement on Internet Accessibility


>- World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative



>Technical Requirements

>NOTE: As of March 2008, we are using Adobe Connect to host our web

>seminars. Whether you've participated in an EDUCAUSE Live! web seminar

>before or you're joining us for the first time, please run the Adobe

>Acrobat Connect Connection Test


>before the event. View the Adobe Connect technical requirements



>About EDUCAUSE Live!

>Struggling to stay current in spite of tight budgets and limited time?

>Tune in to EDUCAUSE Live!, the online seminar series that lets you

>interact with today's leaders and pioneers in higher education IT—from the

>convenience of your own desktop.


>During these free events, host Steve Worona

>(http://www.educause.edu/YourHost/2720) and a special guest discuss and

>answer your questions about a hot issue or emerging trend that has an

>impact on IT in higher education.


>Find archives of past seminars (http://www.educause.edu/Events/2719) and

>information about other upcoming events on the EDUCAUSE Live! website




>EDUCAUSE Live! Home Page (http://www.educause.edu/live)

>FAQ (http://www.educause.edu/FrequentlyAskedQuestions/2724)

>Technical Information (http://www.educause.edu/TechnicalInformation/2721)

>Contact Information (http://www.educause.edu/ContactInformation/2722)

>Professional Development at EDUCAUSE (http://www.educause.edu/pd)

>EDUCAUSE Home Page (http://www.educause.edu)

>Privacy Policy (http://www.educause.edu/PrivacyPolicy/1440)


>You are receiving this message because EDUCAUSE believes you will benefit

>from this information. If you want to be removed from this list, send an

>e-mail to remove at educause.edu (mailto:remove at educause.edu) with "remove

>LIVE ANNOUNCE" in the subject line. For other questions, contact EDUCAUSE

>at info at educause.edu (mailto:info at educause.edu) or 4772 Walnut St., Suite

>206, Boulder, CO 80301.



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EASI Webinars http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
"What You See Is What You Get" Web Design a 4-part Webinar Series April 8

EASI April Online Month-long, Courses starting April 7:
Accessible Internet Multimedia: Podcasts, Vodcasts and Streaming
Train the Trainer

Norman Coombs, Ph.D.
CEO EASI http://easi.cc
Laguna Hills CA 92653

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