[Athen] Office 03/07 duo installs

Robert Beach rbeach at kckcc.edu
Wed Oct 1 07:52:12 PDT 2008

I've asked for duo installs on the assistive tech computers and the e-text production systems. The response I first received was, "it can't be done because 07 overwrites 03." When I replied that I knew institutions were doing duo installs and offered to help, they then changed their tune and agreed it could be done but caused lots of probelms so they don't recommend it. I think it's simply that they don't currently know how to do this and are afraid it will take too much time on their part.

Thanks for the reply. I'll add this to my stock pile. <grin> If you can share any details on how the installs were done to make it run smoothly, I'd appreciate it.


Robert Lee Beach
Assistive Technology Specialist
Kansas City Kansas Community College
7250 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66112
Phone: (913) 288-7671
Fax: (913) 288-7678
E-mail: rbeach at kckcc.edu

>>> "Kelmer, Susan M." <SKelmer at stlcc.edu> 10/1/2008 9:29 AM >>>

We have dual installs in three of our labs. We have had no problems
with it at all.

What point are you going to have to argue? I would be happy to help.

Susan Kelmer
Adaptive Technology Specialist/
Lab Coordinator, Campus Labs and Classrooms
St. Louis Community College - Meramec

> -----Original Message-----

> From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org]


> Behalf Of Robert Beach

> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 9:27 AM

> To: Access Technologists in Higher Education Network;

> altmedia at htclistserv.htctu.fhda.edu

> Subject: [Athen] Office 03/07 duo installs


> Hello all you happy people,


> Can those folks who are running duo (or is that duel <grin>)

> installations of Office 03 and Office 07 please let me know how it is

> working for you and how you ran the installs? I need the information

> to help support my request for duo installs on some of my systems


> I'm going to need ammo for an argument, unfortunately.


> Thanks!




> Robert Lee Beach

> Assistive Technology Specialist

> Kansas City Kansas Community College

> 7250 State Avenue

> Kansas City, KS 66112

> Phone: (913) 288-7671

> Fax: (913) 288-7678

> E-mail: rbeach at kckcc.edu



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