[Athen] Webinar: Best Practice PDF Creation

Prof Norm Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 15:19:43 PDT 2008

EASI 4-part PDF Webinar Series: Tuesdays Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 all at
2 PM Eastern
Accessible and Usable PDF Documents:
Techniques for Document Design
Presenter: Karen McCall from Karlen Communications
Karen is a beta tester for Adobe and she has published books on creating
PDF documents using Acrobat that will be well-designed and meet the needs
of people with disabilities.

October 7: Creating PDF with authoring tools and by scanning from hard copy
October 14: Document tagging and logical document structure
October 21: Adobe repair tools are important to fix documents lacking
October 28: Importing documents into an accessible PDF format.
(This fee-based series is free to all EASI annual Webinar members)

You can read more and register online from the EASI Webinar page:

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