[Athen] portable DNS?

James Bailey jbailey at uoregon.edu
Fri Feb 6 11:42:12 PST 2009

A few years back, we outfitted a grad student with a laptop and DNS and it truly saved the day. She used it for everything including field notes for practice teaching. I will say, that various factors contribute to the success or failure of such an implementation and in our case all the stars were properly aligned. It also helped that there was absolutely positively no other option. At least consider a laptop.

James Bailey
Adaptive Technology Access Adviser, University of Oregon
1501 Kincaid St.
Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Office: 541-346-1076
jbailey at uoregon.edu

On Fri, 6 Feb 2009 12:53:52 -0600, "Kelmer, Susan M." <SKelmer at stlcc.edu> wrote:



> Oh my great and powerful colleagues…I need to pick

your brains.


> I had a potential student stop by to ask about

accommodations, as he is thinking about signing up for classes. His presenting
difficulties are with writing, and he had done his research, and asked about
DNS and Inspiration. Good on him. He asked if there was a portable version of
DNS, one that could be carried on a USB device that he could take to different
places he might need to be using a computer.


> What a great idea. But preliminary research shows me there

is really nothing out there. Has anyone heard of anything or have any amazing
ideas how we might be able to make something work for this guy?


> Susan Kelmer

> Adaptive Technology Specialist/

> Lab Coordinator, Campus Labs and Classrooms

> St. Louis Community College - Meramec

> 314-984-7951



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