[Athen] FW: Possible EDUCAUSE post-conference training on
Terrill Thompson
tft at u.washington.edu
Fri Jun 26 10:30:37 PDT 2009
Hi ATHEN members/subscribers,
I just posted the following message to the EDUCAUSE IT Accessibility
Constituent Group list, seeking input on a possible intensive training
session on Monday November 9, bridging the EDUCAUSE and Accessing Higher
Ground conferences. I'd like feedback from you all too. Please see questions
(a) and (b) in the following forwarded message.
-----Original Message-----
From: Terrill Thompson [mailto:tft at u.washington.edu]
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 10:27 AM
Subject: Possible EDUCAUSE post-conference training on accessibility
Hi All,
As most of you know, the EDUCAUSE annual conference is in Denver this year,
November 3-6. Conveniently, Accessing Higher Ground (AHG) is the week
immediately following EDUCAUSE (November 10-14), and is just up the road
from Denver in Westminster, Colorado. AHG is an annual conference hosted by
the University of Colorado at Boulder that focuses specifically on IT
Accessibility in higher education:
I'm working with AHG organizers to explore the possibility of providing an
extra day of intensive training sessions on Monday November 9, catering
specifically to EDUCAUSE attendees. Before committing to doing so, we're
seeking feedback on the following questions:
(a) Would you, or would someone at your institution, be interested in
sticking around after EDUCAUSE for a few extra days in Colorado, in order to
attend the special AHG pre-conference?
(b) If so, what topics would you especially be interested in receiving
intensive training on?
Terrill Thompson
Technology Accessibility Specialist
DO-IT, Accessible Technology
UW Technology Services
University of Washington
tft at u.washington.edu
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