[Athen] Thoughts on K3000 Web Enabled licenses?

Al Puzzuoli alpuzz at msu.edu
Wed Oct 14 06:59:26 PDT 2009

We currently host our own K3000 license server here at MSU; However, we
are looking at moving to Kurzweil's Web Enabled model.
Can anyone speak to the pros and cons of the web enabled implementation?
If we could get out from under needing to manage the licenses here,
while still maintaining all administration abilities we are already used
to, that would be great. I assume features like Licenses to Go are still

Al Puzzuoli

Michigan State University

Information Technologist
http://www.rcpd.msu.edu <http://www.rcpd.msu.edu/>

Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities

120 Bessey Hall East Lansing, MI 48824-1033


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