[Athen] mobile devices and accesibility

Heidi Scher hascherdss at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 16:40:42 PDT 2009

Hello all!
Once again, I'm turning to those with more wisdom and knowledge for some
enlightenment. Is anyone familiar with the MobilEDU which is now part of
BlackBoard? I saw it demonstrated today (in a large meeting environment)
and it looks very exciting, BUT also another venue which students with
disabilities may not be able to access. When I posed the question about
accessibility testing and accessibility feature within the application
suite, the answer was that accessibility is based on what the device offers.
(Yep, really interesting answer!)
I know that MobilEDU has recently been implimented at Stanford U and several
other universities. Hoping someone can give me some input!
THANKS to all for your continued help!!!

Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC
Associate Director
Center for Educational Access
University of Arkansas
ARKU 104
Fayetteville, AR 72701
479.575.7445 fax
479.575.3646 tdd
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