[Athen] talking dictionary for low vision, mobility impaired individual

Shelley Haven shelley at techpotential.net
Wed Sep 9 23:59:52 PDT 2009

Hi, Howard!

I'm trying to envision this -- Is her biggest need looking up words as
she's writing in order to get the correct word (e.g., differentiating
between homonyms); identifying words which have been misspelled and
correcting them; or checking her words after they're written?

Given the limited range of motion, I'm guessing that something which
also increases typing rate would probably help, too, right? I wonder
if something like WordQ would help., as it provides both the text-to-
speech and word completion as well as spoken examples to help
differentiate confusable words and homonyms. However, I may not be
envisioning this user's problems correctly. It sounds like she would
benefit from a dictionary where she can run through a list of words
"which start with" certain letters, then choose the desired word for a

- Shelley

On Sep 9, 2009, at 11:14 PM, Howard Kramer wrote:

> Hello All:


> I'm working with someone who is both legally blind (uses Magic &

> JAWS) and has limited use of her upper extremities. She can only

> use one hand with limited range of motion (uses an Intellikeys

> keyboard). She needs help with spelling. Does anyone have any

> ideas for a talking dictionary (needs to be computer-based). I

> was going to try TextHelp but I wanted to see if anyone else had

> any ideas for this challenging situation.


> Thanks in advance,

> Howard


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