[Athen] EASI Webinar 4-part series on social media!! don't miss it!
Prof Norm Coombs
norm.coombs at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 20:27:51 PST 2010
Four-part Webinar Series on Social Media
Social continues to grow and expand. While there are some accessibility
problems especially
for a screen reader, these media are becoming more accessible, and many
people with every
disability you can imagine are becoming active and even avid supporters.
Educators are
exploring its uses as well. This series is both timely and important.
Mon. Jan 25, Mon. Feb. 1, 8 and 15
Noon Eastern, 11 AM Central, 10 AM Mountain and 9 AM Pacific
These 4 Webinars will cover Second Life, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube
(The fee for the series is $195, but the series is free to all EASI Annual
Webinar Members.)
Jan 25: Second Life and Opportunities of a 3D Platform
Dr Denise Wood (AKA Denlee Wobbit in Second Life), Researcher and Senior
University of South Australia
Denise is the project leader of two nationally funded research grants as
well as several
university funded projects focusing on the use of innovative technologies
in teaching and
learning, and inclusive design. She is currently heading a research team on
a project funded by
the Australian Teaching and Learning Council, which involves the design and
development on
an open source, accessible 3D virtual learning platform .
Charles Morris (AKA Charles Mountain in Second Life), Vice-President of
Virtual Helping
Hands and University of South Australia Developer
Charles Mountain is the avatar of Charles Morris. He is a professional
freelance software
developer with over 20 years of experience. Charles Morris is also the lead
developer for
VHH and its various projects. Charles is the developer for the UniSA led
Accessible Open
Source 3D Virtual Learning Platform, which is funded by the Australian
Learning and
Teaching Council and is led by Denise Wood from the University of South
Janyth Ussery (AKA Saxet Uralia in Second Life) Director of Web Education
at Texas State
Technical College and Executive Director of Virtual Helping Hands
Janyth is the Director of Web Education at Texas State Technical College
and has 14-years
experience in higher education. With a specific focus in distance-education
exploring new frontiers in education is what has led her into Second Life
over two years ago
Janyth has often said, "While we make create, learn, work and play, the
social opportunities
offered for those that are disabled in real life may be Second Life's
finest hour."
Feb. 1: Twitter, Its Uses and Its Accessibility Issues
Presenter: Dennis Lembrée Web site professional specializing in web
standards, usability and
Dennis has re-built the popular Twitter web site with web accessibility and
web standards.
Accessible Twitter is the recipient of the 2009 Access IT @web2.0 Award!
Once a person
has a Twitter account, he or she can go to (accessible.twitter.com) and log
in. This provides
to the standard Twitter account but using a highly accessible interface.
Feb. 8 Facebook, Why Is it Popular and How Accessible Is It?
Presenters: Betsy Burgess and Cherie Miller from Bookshare and a special
guest from the
Facebook staff.
Bookshare is using both Facebook and Twitter to enrich its interactions
with its members.
Social media provides a community of readers where they can share what
books they have
loved and share their struggles with reading with disabilities.
Feb. 15: YouTube, all You Wanted To See and More
Presenters: Marisol Miranda and Norman Coombs from EASI
Streaming videos on the Internet are hugely popular running the gambit from
silly to serious.
Video provides significant emotional and persuasive punch whether for good
or ill.
This presentation is announcing the unveiling of a special channel called,
YouAbility. Its aims
to provide educational and informative videos about disabilities. It will
provide training
modules demonstrating tips for increasing IT accessibility, and it will be
a place to showcase
new accessibility tools as they emerge.
You can register by credit card, check or by PO from the description on the
Webinar page:
The series is $195 but free for EASI Annual Webinar members.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Once you choose hope, anything's possible. Christopher Reeve
Norman Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
CEO EASI Equal Access to Software and Information
phone (949) 855-4852 (NOTE pacific time zone)
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