[Athen] Hotel alternatives for CSUN
Shelley Haven
ShelleyHaven at techpotential.net
Mon Jan 25 11:49:42 PST 2010
As most of you know, this year's CSUN conference is at the Manchester
Grand Hyatt in San Diego. Their discounted (!!!) rates for the
conference are $189 per night, which could be a deal-breaker for many
of us.
Can anyone recommend some less expensive hotels within walking
distance of the Hyatt? I figured some of you are probably more
familiar with the area.
On a related note (saving money), I see that conference registration
rates go up by $50 after February 8th (from $450 to $500).
- Shelley
Shelley Haven ATP, RET
Assistive Technology Consultant
Shelley at TechPotential.net
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