[Athen] FW: CSU Accessible Technology Initiative Director position
Lissner, Scott
Lissner.2 at osu.edu
Sat Oct 23 12:16:28 PDT 2010
L. Scott Lissner, University ADA Coordinator
Office Of The Provost, The Ohio State University
1849 Cannon Drive
Columbus, OH 43210-1266
(614) 292-6207(v); (614) 688-8605(tty)
(614) 688-3665(fax); Http://ada.osu.edu
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-----Original Message-----
From: Disabled Student Services in Higher Education [mailto:DSSHE-L at LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU] On Behalf Of Turner, Mark
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 6:30 PM
Subject: CSU Accessible Technology Initiative Director position
The California State University system is seeking a Director for its Accessible Technology Initiative. The position announcement has been released and is available on the Chancellor's Office Human Resource Services<http://www.calstate.edu/hrs/jobs.shtml> website. Please pass this along to those who may be interested.
Mark Turner, M.A.
Director, Center for Accessible Media
CSU Office of the Chancellor
(562) 951-4353 voice
(562) 951-4857 fax
mturner at calstate.edu
Cheryl Pruitt, M.S.
Web Accessibility
CSU Office of the Chancellor
(562) 951-4384
cpruitt at calstate.edu<mailto:cpruitt at calstate.edu>
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