[Athen] Accessibility Meetup in Baltimore, Saturday May 14 (fwd)
Jennison Mark Asuncion
asuncion at alcor.concordia.ca
Thu May 12 18:55:33 PDT 2011
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Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 07:00:43 -0400
From: lists at karlgroves.com
Reply-To: WebAIM Discussion List <webaim-forum at list.webaim.org>
Subject: [WebAIM] Accessibility Meetup in Baltimore, Saturday May 14
I wanted to pass this on in case anyone on this list is in the MD/DC area.
Modeled after the meetups that take place in DC and elsewhere. The Baltimore
Accessibility Interest Group will hold its 2nd meeting in Baltimore this
Saturday. Details at the URL below and in the body of this e-mail.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, 415 Park
Ave. Baltimore MD 21201
There is on-street parking as well as a parking lot across from the library.
About This Meeting:
The next meeting of the Baltimore Web Accessibility Interest Group
will take place Saturday May 14, 2011 from Noon until 2pm.
John F Croston III is presenting his "Is Your Website Accessible? If
not Practical Ways to Make It So." talk. He will go over the main
ideas and pieces of code you need in an HTML page to make them
accessible, which include things like skip navigation, adding proper
headings (h1 - h6), ARIA landmark roles, and form items like fieldset,
legend, and labels, etc.
All meetings take place at the Baltimore Library for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped located at 415 Park Ave. Baltimore, Maryland
21201. Their website has directions by car or public transportation.
I hope you will be able to join me and would like very much if you
could pass this information on to others who you feel might find these
meetups beneficial.
Also, I am looking for anyone willing to come speak at these meetups.
If you or someone you know would be interested, please get in touch.
Karl Groves
karl at karlgroves.com
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