[Athen] Microsoft O365

OSullivan, Abbie R. osullivana at missouri.edu
Mon Dec 23 11:33:28 PST 2013

Hello everyone,
Happy Holidays!

I can't stop thinking about the Microsoft O365 issues and how many of us are now using Microsoft for our student email option. I know that there has been a submission to Microsoft's accessibility email address about this, but I am feeling that there is power in numbers.

I would like to know if other Universities, Colleges and other Higher Education entities would like to individually but collectively together address this with Microsoft?

Abbie O'Sullivan
Manager of Computing Sites, Adaptive Technology
University of Missouri Division of IT
Customer Service & Support
C242 Pershing
Columbia, MO 65211
office (573)882-6525
cell (573) 289-1245
osullivana at missouri.edu
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