[Athen] How can students with disabilities succeed in STEM disciplines??? an EASI Webinar

Prof Norm Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com
Thu May 30 00:55:09 PDT 2013

Webinar 4-part Fee-based Series: Accessible STEM Made Easier

Dates: Tuesday June 4, 11, 18, and 25

Times: 11 Pacific Noon Mountain, 1 Central and 2 PM Eastern

This series is extremely important if students with disabilities are to
have an opportunity to succeed in today's skilled professions all of which
require familiarity with one or more of the science, Technology,
engineering and technology disciplines.

We want to make this widely accessible. Instead of charging a fee for the
series, we are providing it free to everyone.

In this series, you have the opportunity to hear from nationally recognized
professionals who are pioneers in making STEM disciplines accessible to
people with disciplines. Even if you are not interested in Stem topics, you
need to be familiar with what is happening so you can enlighten faculty and
encourage students.

I am not a scientist although as an adult I have a growing interest in it.
My reason for organizing this series is that STEM content provides some of
the toughest accessibility hurddles. I have watched dedicated leaders
struggle to transcend the problems. Now, real progress is happening, and at
the same time authors can provide accessible content with better and easier
tools than ever.

Week 1: June 4. Access to complex graphics using IVEO

Presenters: John Gardner and John Taylor

John Gardner and John Taylor will demonstrate conversion of graphical
information to accessible SVG (Scalable vector Graphics) using IVEO
authoring software. The resulting SVG file is then easily accessible by
blind users using the IVEO audio-tactile access method.

Week 2 Progress towards accessible analytics and data visualization

Presenter: Ed Summers, Sr Manager, Accessibility and Applied Assistive
Technology, SAS Institute, Inc.

Numeracy and fluency with data are skills that are required for success in
the 21st century knowledge economy. Join Ed Summers, Senior Manager of
Accessibility at SAS Institute, for a review of recent advances towards
accessible analytics and data visualization at SAS.

Week 3: June 18. LEAN Math

Presenter: John Gardner

John Gardner will demonstrate the new LEAN Math editor interface to MS
Word/MathType. LEAN provides both compact audio and Braille access to
MathType equations in Word. MathType equations can be edited, and new
equations created in the LEAN editor. In addition to reading and composing
math, the editor includes a number of powerful efficient navigation and
processing features such as ability to copy a fraction with a single
keystroke and then invert it when pasting with another keystroke; cutting
out the denominator of a fraction and pasting it into the opposite side of
the equation, etc.

Week 4: we are in the process of scheduling a topic on lab access

Specifics will be here in a few days.

To register, go to


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It's never too late to become what you might have been. George Eliot
Once you choose hope, anything's possible. Christopher Reeve
Norman Coombs norm.coombs at gmail.com

Making Online Teaching Accessible: Inclusive Course Design for Students
with Disabilities by Norman Coombs published by Jossey-Bass Oct 10,2010

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