[Athen] Jira accessibility

N. Dogbo ndogbo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 10:17:58 PDT 2014

Hi Peter,

I am not familiar with Jira on demand or how it compares or not to the
Atlassian Jira I used and worked with for 2 years as recently as last
September 2014.
The company I worked for used Atlassian Jira alongside HP Application
Lifecycle Management to track and manage production, QA and other
related development issues.
I haven't found anything which prevented me from productively using
Jira with JAWS 14 / 15.

Thought I would share this in case it might help.
BTw: I am a regular/fulltime screen reader user and not an occasional one.



On 10/30/14, Bossley, Peter A. (Pete) <bossley.5 at osu.edu> wrote:

> Good morning,

> OSU is currently in the process of purchasing Jira on demand for tracking

> our test cases and other issues. Our initial accessibility assessment is not

> promising. Does anyone on this list have a more full evaluation result we

> can pull from to give us a little more information of Jira's accessibility

> (or lack thereof)?

> Your responses would be appreciated.

> Best,



> [The Ohio State University]

> Peter Bossley

> OCIO Accessibility Analyst

> Office of the Chief Information Officer Enterprise Applications

> 017 Enarson Classrooms Building, 2009 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210

> (614) 292-8571 Office

> bossley.5 at osu.edu<mailto:bossley.5 at osu.edu>

> ocio.osu.edu<http://ocio.osu.edu/>

> ________________________________



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