[Athen] Do you have a B&N bookstore on your campus?

Shawn Foster fosters at sou.edu
Tue Sep 9 08:27:29 PDT 2014

Hello, ATHENites:

If you have a Barnes & Noble bookstore on your campus, would you mind
terribly replying to me off-list with a quick answer to the following:

1. Have you been able to obtain a booklist from them each term? If so,
what's the process you've had to follow?
2. Have they provided the list in a timely fashion? (And what's "timely",
in your world?)
3. Have they allowed books that have been cut for alt text production to be
bought back at the end of term like texts for any other student?

I'm happy to send a summary of the replies to anyone who wants it, once
we've had a chance to collect them.

Thanks so much!

*Shawn Foster, MA*
Disability Resources Coordinator
U-CAM Coordinator
*Southern Oregon University*
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