[Athen] Are Accessible Multilingual/Multi-directional EPUBs
supported today?
Patrick Burke
burke at ucla.edu
Mon Sep 29 11:48:22 PDT 2014
Hi Brian,
I haven't experimented with multilingual files in
Voice Dream, but that may be worth a try, esp if
voice quality is an issue. There are 4 Arabic samples to choose from.:
Perhaps contact Winston Chen with this question (Twitter: @VoiceDreamApp )
At 10:43 AM 9/29/2014, Brian Richwine wrote:
>Â Does anyone have knowledge of an accessible
>EPUB reader on iOS/VoiceOver (or any platform
>for that matter) that supports multilingual
>access, including a mix of directional
>languages? If it could work on iOS, I suppose
>we'd support any other file format that would be
>accessible and could be converted from a Word document.
>Â We have a student that is blind, a native
>Arabic speaker, and does not want to use desktop
>screen-reading software since his iPhone natively supports Arabic TTS.
>Â We've been converting his materials by editing
>in Word documents, and then converting them to
>the EPUB format. The student opens the materials in iBooks on his phone.
>Â This has been going splendidly for books that
>are in all one language. However, the student is
>studying languages and many of the materials he
>needs make extensive use of two or more languages.Â
>Â We've checked the underlying HTML, metadata
>files, etc. in the EPUBs we are creating. They
>seem to have the proper language markup around
>the changes (span elements with lang attributes
>as expected). However, none of the EPUB readers
>(accessible and with TTS) for iOS are handling the language changes.
>Â It appears that for iBooks, at least, that
>this is currently by design. The iBooks Asset
>Guide speaks of "The language of your book" (as
>in singular language, pg. 19 of the iBooks Asset Guide 5.1 R2).
>Â To complicate it, many of the texts switch
>between left-to-right languages and
>right-to-left languages. Often many times in a given line.
>Â Brian Richwine
>Manager, UITS Assistive Technology and Accessibility Centers
>Indiana University – Bloomington / Indianapoolis
>(812) 856-2757 [Direct Line]
>(812) 856-4112 [Office Number]
><mailto:brichwin at iu.edu>brichwin at iu.edu
Patrick J. Burke
UCLA Disabilities &
Computing Program
Phone: 310 206-6004
E-mail: burke at ucla.edu
Location: 4909 Math Science
Department Contact: dcp at oit.ucla.edu
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