[Athen] Box.com accessibility
Thompson, Rachel
rsthompson2 at ua.edu
Fri Jan 16 07:42:43 PST 2015
Hello again.
Some updated information:
"They¹ve made a little progress: there¹s now a KB article up about it, at
essibility, but it¹s fairly basic.
There are also apparently some real missing features in a.box.com
<http://a.box.com/>. Specifically, one of our blind staffers told me
recently that there¹s no way for her to accept the offer of a shared
folder without wading into the main, non-accessible, Box UI.²
Dr. Rachel S. Thompson
Director, Emerging Technology and Accessibility
Center for Instructional Technology
University of Alabama
-----Original Message-----
From: <Thompson>, Rachel Thompson <rsthompson2 at ua.edu>
Reply-To: "athen-list at u.washington.edu" <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Date: Friday, January 16, 2015 at 9:19 AM
To: "athen-list at u.washington.edu" <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Box.com accessibility
HI, Heidi!
I am part of a Box Accessibility User Group. They launched a.box.com late
last year and the vendor said the following about it:
"The roll-out of the new
m.box.com<http://m.box.com/><http://m.box.com<http://m.box.com/>> is
continuing this week.
A.box.com<http://a.box.com/><http://A.box.com<http://a.box.com/>> will be
the final stage of the roll-out and we hope to have it live for all users
in the coming weeks. [It is now live rst]. Thanks for all the feedback
and testing you¹ve done on the beta! Here's a list of recent enhancements
and fixes you should be already be seeing:
* The User Settings menu is now accessible in a.box
* A.box reflects localization settings
* A.box now has the "Create Box Note" functionality
* Users can now remove themselves from a folder
* Misc. IE 8 issues have been addressed
Again, your input has been crucial in helping us improve Box¹s
accessibility for all usersŠ
Please send any feedback
accessibility-team at box.com<mailto:accessibility-team at box.com>.²
One of my student workers is fully blind and uses Voiceover as his primary
screenreader. He found the a.box.com interface a huge improvement over
their main one. We did not test Sync installation. Several members of the
Box a11y group have requested documentation (including VPATs for the Box
tools) but those haven¹t been received. I¹ll revisit this with the vendor
and share my response.
Dr. Rachel S. Thompson
Director, Emerging Technology and Accessibility
Center for Instructional Technology
University of Alabama
From: Heidi Scher <hascherdss at gmail.com<mailto:hascherdss at gmail.com>>
"athen-list at u.washington.edu<mailto:athen-list at u.washington.edu>"
<athen-list at u.washington.edu<mailto:athen-list at u.washington.edu>>
Date: Friday, January 16, 2015 at 9:01 AM
To: "athen-list at u.washington.edu<mailto:athen-list at u.washington.edu>"
<athen-list at u.washington.edu<mailto:athen-list at u.washington.edu>>
Subject: [Athen] Box.com accessibility
Happy semester to everyone!
I recently was contacted by our IT department about Box.com. Has anyone
tested accessibility with the web interface and the desktop sync? If so,
I'm wondering what you may have discovered. Also, is the installation of
the Box Sync accessible?
Many thanks for any and all assistance!
Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC
Associate Director
Center for Educational Access
University of Arkansas
ARKU 104
Fayetteville, AR 72701
479.575.7445 fax
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