[Athen] webpage coding question
Greg Kraus
gdkraus at ncsu.edu
Tue May 12 10:33:35 PDT 2015
Sorry, just saw that you were using Firefox. Definitely try NVDA in the mix
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Greg Kraus <gdkraus at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Teresa,
> I would first check if the combinations of JAWS with Firefox and NVDA with
> Firefox give you the same results. Depending on the version of JAWS and IE
> and the particular elements that might be parent elements of the headings,
> that might be the source of the problem. If both JAWS and NVDA work with
> Firefox, then you can start looking at potential JAWS-IE conflicts.
> Greg
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Samantha Johns <samanj at pdx.edu> wrote:
>> Perhaps these need element tags - ARIA tags
>> * <http://www.pdx.edu/oai/>*
>> *Samantha Johns*
>> *Accessibility & **Course Support Specialist *
>> Portland State University
>> 1825 SW Broadway
>> Smith Memorial Student Union, Mezzanine 209
>> Portland OR 97201
>> 503/725-2754
>> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Teresa Haven <Teresa.Haven at nau.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> I’ve had a strange situation arise with a new web app that my
>>> institution is attempting to develop. We are still in the beta stage so the
>>> site isn’t public, but we’ve noticed that even though the developer has
>>> included appropriate H tags for structure, they aren’t all being perceived
>>> by either AT or various A11y checking tools. When I have JAWS present me
>>> with a list of headers on the page, I get one lonely H5 tag. When I have
>>> WAVE check the outline, I am told I have one H1, a small handful of H3s,
>>> and one H4. In the code for the page from the user agent perspective we can
>>> see one H1, a couple of H2s, a LOT of H3s, and a couple each of H4 and H5 –
>>> which is what the developer used in the design. We are using JAWS 14 and 15
>>> for testing, IE11 with JAWS, and Firefox 36 with WAVE. The app is not using
>>> HTML5, although it is using some Angular. Does anyone have any ideas for
>>> why our AT and tools aren’t perceiving the H tags that we are seeing in the
>>> code?
>>> Thanks for any troubleshooting suggestions you might have,
>>> Teresa
>>> Teresa Haven, Ph.D.
>>> Accessibility Analyst, Northern Arizona University
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